As Chair of the Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cumberland & Salem Counties, I am excited to announce that we are publicly launching The Big Move Capital Campaign. Our overall campaign goal is $750,000 to offset the purchase and renovation of our new office. Many supporters have already pledged to help us reach the majority of this goal. The community-wide phase goal of our campaign is $50,000.
We need YOUR help! Please consider making a donation today--every dollar donated by March 31st up to $25,000 will be MATCHED!
Our Littles, Families, and team of volunteers and staff are counting on us! Please donate today!
Erin Feldman Mendez

This strategic move from our very modest office on Landis Avenue in Vineland to a more centralized and modern office building with upgraded technology in Carll’s Corner will help prepare us for many more years of serving the youth of our community. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cumberland & Salem Counties reminds me of one of Aesop’s fables, The Tortoise and the Hare, consistently and persistently, with quality and determination, taking the necessary steps on the path to successfully mentor the children in need who live within our community. This organization has modeled the kind of behavior that we want to instill in our children.
Paul Perino, Jr.

We never dreamed of this type of success when we first began at our family’s kitchen table. BBBS’s unique one-to-one mentoring program has a proven track record for positive impact, and it’s the wisest investment you can make on behalf of our youth!
The Novick Family
As the Immediate Past Board Chair for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cumberland & Salem Counties, I am asking for you to consider investing in our organization and in the future, not just of Big Brothers Big Sisters, but for all the youth that we serve, which in turn, positively impacts the entire community.
2020-2023 BOARD CHAIR
Kathleen Norton Gallaher

Cumberland County BBBS was born at the Novick Family Kitchen Table
Established Site-Based
Mentoring Program
Expanded our service
to Salem County
Received national recognition
from BBBSA for CEO of the Year
for small-to-mid-sized agencies
Received the BBBSA Gold
Standard Award for quality
program services and growth
for small agencies
Received the BBBSA Gold
Standard Award again
Received two BBBSA awards: Pinnacle Award for Sustaining Quality Service and
BBBSA Board of the Year
Implemented our Support Mentoring Campaign to secure sustainable
funding to support our programs
in economic downturns
Initiated several new programs and launched a new brand and logo
Piloted and launched our innovative
Mentor2.0 program
Celebrated our 40th Anniversary as an agency and our CEO celebrated her 30th year as our executive leader
Received Gold Standard Award

I don’t think there is any doubt that Big Brothers Big Sisters has a positive impact on the Littles, but I was not expecting the impact it has also had on me as a Big. It has been truly inspiring watching my Little grow, try new things and discover new interests. It’s encouraged me to put that same energy into my life and seek out new experiences. Our time together has been such a source of joy in my life and I am so proud of the young man he has become.